Monday 25 March 2013

Falling on ice/fragile evolution

After years of having no sympathy for people who suffer small injuries & seem to milk them for all their worth, I, Crouching Ginger, slipped on a patch of ice & fell.

I am still in shock that it happened. I am not clumsy. I am an avid walker & I was wearing my good winter mukluks.

It all started with Mr Ford (the womanizer that he is) offering to pick me up from work so we could go on a romantic date...walking the dog (on Monday we went on another romantic date to Sobey's!) We then set out in -16 weather & a wicked windchill so Luibov could get her exercise & possibly not have the energy to destroy any more of our things.

It started out being a lovely night with good talks & hand-holding... then things turned sour when Mr. Ford wanted to argue. Then he was mad & didn't want to hold hands any more. Whoa is me.

A couple of blocks later, I slipped on some ice on Portage Avenue. On a Friday. In front of all the bar-stars driving downtown to go quench their thirst for awkward social situations at Whiskey Dix.

And in slow motion (because I was trying to stabilize myself) fell on to my own ankle & sat there. Mike just looked at me. Thanks prince charming!

I said "OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCHHHH" & then threatened to sue the sidewalk.He thought this was funny. Yeah, that's right, I could have broken my ankle & he is laughing. We'll see who's laughing when I am put on bed rest & SOMEONE has to haul the laundry up & down 2 flights of stairs & wash walls!

So now I don't know what's wrong with me. Originally, the inside portion of my foot between the ball & the heel was in pain, along with the the muscles behind my knee & my thumb. Now it's just the foot. I have never felt so fragile in my entire life. I have an new-found debilitating fear of blood clots, but I don't see any discoloration, just some puffiness in the area.

 I truly feel that I know what being a grandma is like. I had to soak my foot, take extra strength Tylenol & have husband walk/carry me to my brunch date which was half an hour walk when it should have been 15.

What I've also learned from this experience is how stupid the human body is. We've evolved to be smart enough to cure diseases, to withstand the flu & hepatitis but all of that serves you no good if your stupid body can't keep itself upright on frozen water!
What's next? You eat too much & explode & die? Poke yourself in the eye with mascara brush & go blind?God forbid I was pregnant or had osteoporosis!

This was me:

Sure foot

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